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Capital Athens
Language Greek
Numbers of People 10.64 million (2021)

For more about the Greek world more broadly, see: Byzantine Empire

Greece is a country which is well known for it's ancient past. It was a very strong empire.

Greece in the middle ages was part of the remnant Roman Empire based out of Byzantium in Thrace. It was during this time that the old Greek alphabet died out and was supplanted by the Cyrillic alphabet. The Greek alphabet was later revived in the modern era.

The remnant Roman Empire was, for all intents and purposes, a Greek Empire, though its core territories included also Asia Minor.

Major events that affected Greece during this time include:

- The Invention of Greek Fire

- The Iconoclast Controversy

- The Sieges of Constantinople

- The Avar Invasions

- The Fourth Crusade and the Latin Empire

- The Fall of Constantinople



  • The Parthenon
  • Santorini Church